Dr Gawel Kulisiewicz – Orthopaedic Hip & Knee Surgeon
For all appointments and enquiries, please call
(02) 6162 0807
Office Hours
Monday to Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm
Saturday & Sunday Closed
To Request An Appointment Online
Please complete this form and press the “Submit request” button when completed. One of the Orthosports ACT team will call you back as soon as possible.
Dr Kulisiewicz is assisted by his friendly and efficient personal assistants Karen and Noeleen.
Together they will help you confidently navigate the journey of diagnosis, treatment and surgery if required.
Contact Details
Practice Location
Deakin Sports Therapy Centre
Suite 5, 2 King Street,
Australian Capital Territory 2600
To find us, use the ramp entrance on the corner of King and Denison Streets. Suite 5 is 3rd on the right.
🚍 No.2 North bus stops less than 50 metres from the ramp.
Parking is available across the road for a small fee.