The Posterior Hip Replacement is typically used as a revision surgery, and mainly benefits those not suitable for the Direct Anterior Hip Replacement approach.
Reasons for why a person might be more suited to a Posterior Hip Replacement surgery include: those with high BMI levels or the morbidly obese, individuals who have had previous surgery on the problematic hip with retained hardware present, or someone with severe gluteal tendon injury or a tear.
- Arthritis
- Fracture
Symptoms can vary from person to person.
- Pain in the groin and buttock (similarly, people can also present with referred pain into the thigh and knee)
- Stiffness
- Limping
Postoperative Care & Rehabilitation
Recovery from a Posterior hip replacement usually takes longer than the recovery from an Anterior hip replacement. Patients need to follow hip precautions during the rehabilitation stage which include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Use of an abduction wedge or pillow/s between the legs
- Sleeping on the back with feet always facing forward
- Use of taller chairs to keep the hips higher than the knees, no bending past 90 degrees at the hip is strongly encouraged
- Use of a commode chair as most toilet seats are too low, and use of chairs with armrests
- No crossing of the legs at the knee or ankle
Potential Complications
These complications may arise during and post-surgery and will be discussed with you when you meet with Dr Kulisiewicz.
- Infection
- Blood clot
- Fracture
- Dislocation
- Leg length discrepancy,
- Numbness
- Loosening of the hip component
Other services
Anterior Hip Replacement
The Direct Anterior Approach is a surgical technique that allows Dr Kulisiewicz to perform Hip replacement surgery while preserving the muscles and tendons around the hip joint.
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Robotic Total Knee Replacement Surgery
Knee replacement surgery involves the removal of arthritic cartilage and bone around the knee and resurfacing it with metallic and plastic components to restore mobility, flexibility, and walking while reducing pain.
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